Age: 25
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Measurements: 33 inches - 23 inches - 34 inches
Occupation/Education: Psychology Graduate
Describe your childhood/growing up years (8-13 years old):
I grew up in a loving home, where both my parents worked in order to provide. I spent a big part of my childhood looking up to my grandparents. My grandmother who was a Brgy. Captain for more than 20 years, had such a good heart. So selfless and so devoted to serving the community. She spent money from her own pocket just to help other people. My grandfather, who also took some time being the Brgy. Captain, but in his youth was a police officer who became promoted to manage the City’s Protective Services Division. After his retirement, he’s stuck to being a fisherman and a coast guard. I grew up in an environment where people always had to look out for the wellness of others. For some reason, at this age of my life (8-13) I was very timid and shy. I spent most of my time keeping to myself and reading books. It was only when I was 16, when I joined my very first pageant that I started for.
What lessons did you learn from your childhood/growing years?
Growing up, my family instilled values of generosity and sense of responsibility. We knew what having nothing was like. Living day by day with very little. We experienced being in debt and not having enough to afford the things we wanted. I’m grateful for my parents because even though we were not financially fortunate, I never felt as if I lacked anything. As a kid, I learned to be grateful for anything that was given to me and I learned to not ask for things I knew we could not afford. I was immensely grateful that my parents were able to provide me my education. I was grateful for my thrifted shoes and clothes. Because our family knew what it was like to have nothing, we gave to anyone we knew who were struggling. We were generous to people who had nothing because we knew what that felt like. Me and my siblings also had developed a good sense of responsibility. We were responsible for keeping the house kept together, responsible for our academics, and responsible for each other.
Most memorable moment:
It’s so hard to choose one memorable moment when our lives are basically just a collection of memorable moments.
But if I had to choose one, my most memorable moment is probably the screening day of Binibining Pilipinas 2023. The day before screening, was my the burial of my grandmother. In order for me to make the screening, I had to leave and travel from Mindoro to Manila right after she was placed on the ground. I was still grieving. I could still barely grasp the fact that she was no longer with us. I wanted to mourn and grieve with my family but I knew she would have wanted me to pursue my application with Binibining Pilipinas. She was my biggest fan. Just writing about her passing makes me cry. It’s been over a year, we just recently had her death anniversary, and even a year later I still feel her loss. On the day of screening, my eyes were blood shot and swollen from crying. I didn’t think I would get accepted. But I was the second name to be called out of 40 names. My fear, my sadness, they were suddenly overcome with a feeling of joy and gratefulness. And I knew I had my biggest fan rooting for me on that day.
Why do you want to be Miss Philippines Earth?
I am Miss Philippines Earth 2024 because I am a beautiful woman with a voice. I have always been the type of person who is vocal about her principles and beliefs in life. I am environmentally-conscious and aware of the actions I do that impact the earth. I always do my part, no matter how small. At an early age, I was exposed to environmental awareness, specially ones that involve marine life conservation. The province of Oriental Mindoro is a coastal community, so I grew up literally a few steps away from the ocean. As a kid, we were already told how important the role of marine life. It affects climate change, marine biodiversity, livelihood, and economic progress.
What is your environmental advocacy and why did you choose this?
My environmental advocacy is to promote Marine life conservation. Having grown up in a coastal community, I understand the need to promoting marine life conservation. During these past years, increasing human populations have resulted in increased human impact on ecosystems. There has been a major decrease in biological diversity of plants and animals in our marine life due to destructive fish practices, and pollution. This perpetuation of bad habits simply leads to the further decline of coral reefs. I cannot stress enough the importance and vitality of educating the local community about the conservation of marine spaces that include coral reefs. Marine preservation provides climate regulation, food, jobs, livelihoods, and economic progress. Thus, we must work together to protect and save the ocean for the sake of our future survival on this planet. When you advocate for marine conservation, you are also advocating for marine biodiversity and preventing the over exploitation of marine resources.
What tip can you share to promote eco-tourism in your City or Municipality?
A few tips in order to promote eco-tourism in Oriental Mindoro is to partner with already existing marine life sanctuaries and form partnerships and campaigns with fellow eco-tourism advocates, to create a community dedicated to raising awareness of advocating for marine life diversity and conservation. Restore more places of exploitation and turn them into sanctuaries.